17 Things You Didn't Know About Avocados
Are we living in the Age of the Avocado? These days is seems as though every trendy restaurant has avocado toast on the menu, guacamole is more popular than ever, avocado smoothies are all the rage, and an avocado rose is a real thing. Avocado is being used as a butter replacement, and recipes for avocado brownies, avocado ice cream, avocado cupcakes, and chocolate avocado pudding are all over the internet.
Click here for 17 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Avocados (Slideshow)
The avocado is being heralded as a superfood , and although that term can often be thrown at things in a haphazard way, in the case of the avocado it might actually be an accurate description.
Naturally low in salt, avocados are a great source of unsaturated fats and, ounce for ounce, they top the charts among all fruits — yes, the avocado is a fruit — for folate, potassium, vitamin E, and magnesium.
Avocados contain masses of nutrients, taste delicious, and come in their own naturally protective packaging — could avocado be a perfect food?